Wanderer von Wandering through the Shelves hat vor längerer Zeit diese kleine Parade namens "Thursday Movie Picks" ins Leben gerufen und ich möchte 2016 nun mit einsteigen. Es geht darum, jeden Donnerstag eine Liste mit drei Filmen zu einem Thema zu posten. Da es sich ausserdem um eine englische Challenge handelt, werde ich die Liste zweisprachig machen. So kann ich auch gleich mein Englisch trainieren ;)
#93: Astronauts
- Sunshine/SunshineDiesen Film habe ich während eines Urlaubs in Ungarn zum ersten Mal gesehen. Ich war sehr beeindruckt von "Sunshine" und natürlich war ich für einen Rewatch sofort zu haben. Dieses Mal jedoch auf Deutsch und ich habe etwas mehr von der Handlung mitbekommen. Und ich war wieder beeindruckt.I remember watching this movie during a holiday stay in Hungary. I was quite impressed by "Sunshine" and of course I was in for a rewatch. This time in German and I did get a little more of the story this time. And I was impressed again.
- Interstellar/InterstellarErst wollte ich mir diesen Film gar nicht ansehen. Ich glaube, das war, weil ich ihn mit einem ähnlichen Film mit Sandra Bullock verwechselte und ich bin kein grosser Fan von ihr. Jetzt bin ich echt glücklich darüber, den Film dennoch gesehen zu haben. Natürlich hätte man mehr auf das Thema eingehen können, wie wir unseren Planeten behandeln und ob wir nicht dasselbe mit dem nächsten Planeten anstellen würden, aber alles andere war wirklich toll. All diese Wendungen und Irrungen - grossartig!At first, I didnt't wanted to watch this film. I guess this was because I confounded it with a smilliar movie with Sandra Bullock and I'm not really into her. But now I'm so happy to have watched this movie. Of course, it could have had more thoughts about how we treat our planet and if we would just do the same to the next planet humans inhabit, but everything else was just great! All those turns and twists - excellent!
- Toy Story/Toy Story Lieben wir nicht alle unseren Austronauten hier? Ich habe die ersten Filme noch als Kind gesehen, aber ich denke, ich wäre auch mit einem Rewatch sofort einverstanden. Bis zur Unendlichkeit und noch viel weiter!
We all love the astronaut there, don't we? I watched the first movies as a kid but I think I would be all right with watching those movies again. They're fun and unforgettable. To infinity and beyond!Welche Filme fallen euch noch so ein?
What other movies come to your mind?
I liked Sunshine up to a point but by the end my interest slipped. I can't stand Toy Story or any of its ilk but it's a great out of the main choice for the theme. I haven't seen Interstellar yet.
AntwortenLöschenMy first thought was the great duo of Apollo 13 and The Right Stuff both of which I’m a huge fan of but I was expecting to see them everywhere today but was surprised to see Right Stuff show up only once and Apollo 13 not at all, too bad because they fit so well and are brilliant films. Be that as it may I went in search of more obscure titles and came up with these three:
Capricorn One (1977)-While awaiting the launch of the first manned flight to Mars the command center realizes too late to abort that a malfunction in the support system will kill the astronauts during the journey. Needing a success to continue the program the astronauts are whisked away to a false lunar surface in the desert and the entire mission faked. When the spaceship burns up on reentry and the hoax is at risk of being exposed it becomes a cat and mouse game as the astronauts fight for survival.
Silent Running (1971)-All botanical life on Earth has ceased to exist, ecologist/astronaut Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) oversees a greenhouse on an orbiting space station to preserve various flora and fauna for future generations. Assisted by three robots and a small human crew who see no value in maintaining the forest, Lowell rebels when orders arrive to destroy the greenhouse in favor of carrying cargo, a decision that puts him at odds with everyone but his mechanical companions. Lowell and his robots are forced to do anything necessary to keep their invaluable greenery alive. A quiet and meditative take for the most part on the shortsightedness of the human race.
The Reluctant Astronaut (1967)-Agoraphobic Roy (Don Knotts) runs the kid spaceship ride at the fairground but his father hopes for better and applies to NASA for him. Surprisingly he’s accepted…as a janitor. After many crazy complications Roy ends up in space as the title pilot! If it sounds preposterous, it is but then it’s a Don Knotts comedy after all.
Thank you for your comment!
LöschenI've heared about Silent Running, but haven't seen any of your picks. But all in all I'm not that much into space movies.
I have not seen the first 2 but I love your take on the 3rd because it's perfect. I love that movie:)
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your lovely comment :) Glad you like my pick.
"Apollo 13"
"Mission to Mars"
"Moon" mit Sam Rockwell
"Lost in Space"
"2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum"
"2010: Das Jahr, in dem wir Kontakt aufnehmen"
"Planet der Affen"
"Planet 51"
"Space Cowboys"
Wow, und das ganze OHNE Internet-Hilfe. :-)
Gut gemacht! :D Ich habe meine auch ohne Internet zustande gebracht und das fühlt sich doch echt gut an.
LöschenAuf deiner Liste finden sich sogar ein paar Titel, die ich auch kenne ;)