[Blogparade] Thursday Movie Picks #86

Wanderer von Wandering through the Shelves hat vor längerer Zeit diese kleine Parade namens "Thursday Movie Picks" ins Leben gerufen und ich möchte 2016 nun mit einsteigen. Es geht darum, jeden Donnerstag eine Liste mit drei Filmen zu einem Thema zu posten. Da es sich ausserdem um eine englische Challenge handelt, werde ich die Liste zweisprachig machen. So kann ich auch gleich mein Englisch trainieren ;)

Includes English version :)

#86 Storms/Adverse Weather

  1. Book of Eli/Book of Eli
    Wirklich warm wurde ich mit dem Film nicht, da es aber erst kurz her ist, dass wir ihn gesehen haben, sind die Bilder der ausgetrockneten Landschaft noch immer recht stark. Das kann man tatsächlich als "bedrohliches Wetter" bezeichnen, wenn die Sonne unablässig auf uns herniederbrennt.

    I didn't like this movie but it's not to long afo we watched it. Thus the images of  the desert are still strong. The burning sun really is an "adversive weather" in my opinion.

  2. Ponyo/Ponyo
    Noch ein Film, der mir nicht wirklich zugesagt hat, aber trotzdem zum Thema passt: im Anime kommt es zu einem heftigen Sturm, der auch wichtig ist für den Fortgang der Handlung. Passt, wenn man bedebkt, dass hier ein Goldfisch-Wesen die Hauptrolle spielt.

    Another movie I did not like a lot but fits the topic: in this anime a fierce storm is hitting the small island and this storm is also important concerning the progress of the story. That fits as well because the main character is some kind of goldfish girl.
  3. SharknadoIch mach das nur für den Hexenmeister.
  4. Only mentioned this one for my special someone.

Welche Filme fallen euch noch so ein?
What other movies come to your mind?

Und damit verabschiede ich mich bis am 13.03 in den Urlaub - kleine Sendepause, sozusagen :) And now I'm off to holidays until the 13.03 :)

21 Kommentare :

  1. It's always good to discover a new blog. Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks. I hope you will continue participating.

    I really like Book of Eli, it works for me on multiple levels. Haven't seen the other two, though I really should've seen Sharknado, by now.

    1. Thank you for your comment :) Of course I continue participating, I really enjoy the Thursday Movie Picks :)
      I hope you're going to have fun with Sharknado :D

  2. Oh..good ole Sharknado-LOL I'm glad to see it here actually. I wouldn't mind seeing The Book of Eli and I never heard of Ponyo-quite a few stars

    1. I just had to put Sharknado here - just for fun :D

  3. Sharknado is amazingly bad. I loved it. I didn't like Book of Eli either, I almost fell asleep in the theater.

    1. It really is unbelievable bad and that's part of the fun :D
      Aw, I'm sorry to hear that :/

  4. L

    I love that you went with Sharknado! Such an awesome interpretation of the theme. I also love that you chose Ponyo. Love that movie! It's a very different yet equally impressive adaptation of The Little Mermaid.

    1. I'm so happy to hear that you've seen Ponyo - not a lot of people have :)

  5. I haven't seen any of these, but I really should check out Sharknado. It sounds so bad it actually might be good.

    1. I hope you will enjoy Sharknado. It's bad, really bad, and that's part of the fun :)

  6. Fun picks. I've seen none sadly but should really break down and watch Sharknado some time. Not much of a Denzel fan so I've avoid Book of Eli.

    I love my second and third choices but included my first because I watched it specifically for this and it stank so I wanted to warn others and not have suffered through it for nothing!

    Into the Storm (2014)-Soggy in every way movie about a mega-storm front that lays waste to a Midwest town. Like many current disaster movies this puts a group of people that the audience knows nothing about in peril and then expects them to be invested in their plight. Some good special effects but that’s about all. Starts out okay but quickly slips into absurdity.

    The Day After Tomorrow (2004)-Big, dumb but fun cautionary tale. Climatologist Dennis Quaid and his team witness a huge crack in an ice shelf and warn the world authorities that it’s a sign of a coming cataclysm but no-one’s listening. Next thing you know superstorms start forming and causing havoc and who should be stuck right smack dab in the middle of the biggest? Why Quaid’s son Jake Gyllenhaal of course! Hits its fever pitch when Quaid outruns the ice age!

    The Rains Came (1939)-In Ranchipur, India the faithless Lady Edwina Esketh (Myrna Loy) and her cruel husband Lord Esketh meet Major Rama Safti (Tyrone Power) a doctor and heir presumptive to the throne and Edwina renews her acquaintanceship with artist Tom Ransome (George Brent), a former lover. Bored she sets out to seduce the principled Safti as a distraction but finds herself falling in love. It’s high class soap opera with good performances until the seasonal rains come and then watch out! An earthquake hits during the heaviest downpour causing a dam to collapse followed by a cholera epidemic while the water keeps rising! Winner of the first Oscar given for special effects.

    1. Enjoy Sharknado if you're going to watch it :D
      I enjoyed watching The Day After Tomorrow and of course it fits the topic perfectly. Haven't seen the other two, though...

  7. Haven't actually seen any of your choices, but I know The Book of Eli well enough to understand its a suitable pick

  8. Schön, dass du "Sharknado" reingenommen hast. :-)

    Was fällt mir ein?

    "The Day After Tomorrow"
    "Hard Rain"
    "Storm Hunters"

    So, mehr fällt mir im Moment nicht ein.

    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Urlaub. :-)


    1. Musste ich doch, nicht wahr? ;)

      The Day After Tomorrow habe ich vor einigen Jahren gesehen und für recht eindrücklich befunden. Godzilla kenne ich nur bruchstückhaft, die anderen Filme gar nicht :/

      Danke dir - der Urlaub war klasse :D

    2. Freut mich - besonders, wenn du wieder zurück bist. ;-) :D


    3. Wir sind schon länger wieder da und ein paar neue Beiträge sind auch schon in Moderation, ich bräuchte nur noch etwas Zeit, um das Ganze richtig herzurichten... :)

    4. Wichtig ist, für so etwas einfach viel Zeit nehmen, sonst macht es irgendwann keinen Spaß mehr. Ich handhabe dies auch so. Okay, hin und wieder übertreibe ich es mit der Wartezeit, aber die Freude nach getaner Arbeit ist dafür umso riesiger. :D


    5. Genau, da hast du vollkommen Recht! Es geht wirklich nur darum, Spass zu haben und wenn es mich stresst, lasse ich es. Und es ist doch immer schön, wenn man sich zurücklehnen kann und stolz auf das sein kann, was man produziert hat (mehr oder weniger ;)
