Wanderer von Wandering through the Shelves hat vor längerer Zeit diese kleine Parade namens "Thursday Movie Picks"
ins Leben gerufen und ich möchte 2016 nun mit einsteigen. Es geht
darum, jeden Donnerstag eine Liste mit drei Filmen zu einem Thema zu
posten. Da es sich ausserdem um eine englische Challenge handelt, werde ich die
Liste zweisprachig machen. So kann ich auch gleich mein Englisch
trainieren ;)
#80 Airplane Movies
Während alle Teilnehmer total krasse Actionfilme auflisten, hatte ich einige Probleme und musste rerlativ lange über das Thema nachdenken. Trotzdem ist ein Punkt der Liste eine Art Joker...
While everybody is coming up with great action movies I've never heard of, I had to think a while to fill my list. Still, one of my picks is kind of a joker...
- Airplane!/Airplane!
Der Name sagt es ja schon, dass es sich hier um einen Film mit Flugzeugen dreht. Ein sehr lustiger Flugzeug-Film übrigens, der sehr empfehlenswert ist. Nur schon der Trailer bringt mich wieder zum Lachen :D
The title tells you what this movie is about. It's a really funny airplane movie, that I highly recommend. Even the trailer makes me laugh :D - Wie der Wind sich hebt/The Wind rises
Ein ruhiger, aber dennoch intensiver Film von Hayao Miyazaki über den Flugzeugingenieur Jirou Hirokoshi. Man erfährt viel über Flugzeuge und den historischen Hintergrund, es wird aber aufgrund der gelungen inszenierten Erzählweise nie langweilig.
A steady but still intensive movie by Hayao Miyazaki abou the aircraft designer Jirou Hirokoshi. You learn a lot about planes and the historical background but due to the brilliantely integrated cinematic narrative it doesn't get boring at all. - Lost
Ja, ich weiss, es ist 1. kein Film und 2. spielt es nicht _in_ einem Flugzeug, aber erst jetzt fällt mir ein, dass ich als Nr. 3 auch "Porco Rosso" hätte wählen können. Aber jetzt ist es zu spät und sowieso - Lapidus! Und ohne das olle Flugzeug wären die gar nicht zur Insel gekommen.
Yes, I know that first of all it's not a movie and secondly it's not set _in_ an airplane but only now I remeber that I could've listed "Porco Rosso". But now it's to late and anyway - Lapidus! And without the stupid plane they would have never reached the island.Welche Filme fallen euch noch so ein?
What other movies come to your mind?
Good choices. Ya Lost is a TV show but it fits. The plane is such a vital part of the show, without it they wouldn't be in that predicament. I haven't seen the second of your picks, I'm not an animation fan so those will almost always blow right by me but we sort of match on your first choice, which I love by the way, in a roundabout way.
AntwortenLöschenI had a hard time last week coming up with three but this week I had a hard time limiting myself to three...so I didn't I have three and two extras! The last is the one where we match in a way.
Airport (1970)-The big one that started the disaster trend of the 70’s. A little hokey to be sure but eminently watchable. Multiple storylines intersect during a major snowstorm inside an airport when a desperate man boards a plane bound for Rome carrying a bomb. It’s all rather melodramatic but the all-star cast keeps it entertaining. Helen Hayes won a best supporting actress Oscar for her performance but it’s Maureen Stapleton who gives a real and very touching portrayal of a woman in an impossible situation. Jacqueline Bissett is young and beautiful, the chicest stewardess to ever fly the friendly skies.
Flight of the Phoenix (1965)-During a sandstorm in the Sahara a plane crashes in the desert, by chance one of the passengers is an airplane designer who formulates a plan to build a flyable plane from the wreckage but they must rush before their food and water runs out. Great cast, Jimmy Stewart, Peter Finch, Richard Attenborough and Ernest Borgnine among others, in a tense adventure. This was remade with Dennis Quaid in 2004, avoid that version it is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E!!
Five Came Back (1939)-Twelve people (including a young Lucille Ball) bound on a flight for South America are blown off course in a storm and crash land in a jungle known to be inhabited by head hunters. As the crew race against time to fix the plane the situation brings out the best and worst among the survivors. When at last the engine is repaired only five can fly out, who will they be? Trim little thriller was remade as Back from Eternity in the 50’s.
Bonuses-Jet over the Atlantic (1959)-Utterly preposterous low budget quasi-thriller with gaping plot holes and absurd actions but still sorta fun. It's the very absurdity of the story, poison gas floating through the plane that only effects certain people, guns being shot off willy-nilly without regard to the fact that they are aboard a plane that makes you suspend belief and enjoy it for what it is. Even with all its faults this is still more fun than suffering through many other more self-important films. Something for a rainy afternoon.
Zero Hour! (1957)-The film that was the inspiration for Airplane! is a competently made drama if you can watch it as a separate viewing experience…but that’s a big if. Dana Andrews and Linda Darnell play it straight but you can see the influence they had on the other film. Sterling Hayden is stiff as a board, Lloyd Bridges had to change practically nothing to parody it. Even if you are trying to be detached and see it apart from the spoof a line will pop up like "Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit smoking." and it takes you right out of the movie.
Thank you for your comment!
LöschenYour list is amazing - sadly, I haven't seen any of those movies even though "Airport" sounds familiar to me. I might have seen it as a child. Especially "Bonuses-Jet over the Atlantic" sounds interesting to me, since I have a soft spot for low budget movies :D I might give it a try!
I love Lost and was an avid watcher. I could re-watch it all over again actually. I think Airplane is hilarious and one of the funniest films ever! I love the whole styling of all the films these guys made. I have not seen the animated film but it does sound and looks quite good. I picked Wings, Flight of the Phoenix and Airport '77
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your comment :)
Löschen"Lost" is also one of my favourite shows and I'm sure that someday I'll rewatch all the seasons :)
You're right "Airplane!" is one of the funniest films ever. At least one of the funniest I've seen :)
I realized that I barely watch any movies that include airplanes so I haven't seen your picks... :(
I haven't seen any of these, but I bet the Leslie Nielsen one is hilarious! I picked Red Eye, United 93 and Non-Stop
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your comment :)
LöschenYes, "Airplane!" really is hilarious. Sadly, I haven't seen any of your choices :(
Und wieder einmal eine toll zusammengestellte Liste. :-)
AntwortenLöschenIch hätte da noch zwei Flugzeug-Filme für dich:
"Flightplan" mit Jodie Foster
"Non-Stop" mit Liam Neeson
"Turbulence" mit Ray Liotta
"Con Air" mit Nicolas Cage
Sollten mir mehr einfallen, lasse ich es dich wissen. ;-)
Deine Liste klingt auch spannend, obwohl ich keinen Film davon kenne *hust*
LöschenDas macht doch nichts.
Aber was nicht ist, kann ja je nachdem noch werden ;)
LöschenAbsolut. :-)